Cooling stations for
pedestrian comfort
Install a series of shade structures, misters and/or solar-powered fans to create shade and coolness in hot busy places such as shopping centre carparks, outdoor sporting facilities, city street corners, and outside schools and hospitals. The cooling stations could be permanent or mobile, and incorporate smart sensors to poweroff fans and misters when not in use, and to record temperature. Ideally stations would be place specific and co-designed with locals including those especially vulnerable to heat stress.
By Steve Cook

Your Tropical City acknowledge the Larrakia people as the Traditional Owners of the Darwin region and pay our respects to Larrakia elders past and present. We are committed to a positive future for the Aboriginal community.
564 Vanderlin Drive,
Berrimah NT 0828
(08) 8944 8436
Your Tropical City acknowledge the Larrakia people as the Traditional Owners of the Darwin region and pay our respects to Larrakia elders past and present. We are committed to a positive future for the Aboriginal community.
564 Vanderlin Drive,
Berrimah NT 0828
(08) 8944 8436